A Comparison of Image Segmentation and Image Non-Segmentation to Classify Average Weight of Red Tilapia Using Machine Learning Techniques


  • Pimlapat Suwannasing คณะประมง มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์
  • Roongparit Jongjaraunsuk
  • Ruangvit Yoonpundh
  • Wara Taparhudee


In this study, the segmented images of the upper body of fish near the water surface in which the fins, tail, and background were removed (5 fish per image) were compared with non-segmented images (original images) using machine learning techniques for weight estimation of red tilapia. The images used consisted of 3 groups of fish with an average weight of 300–500, 501-700, and 701–900 g/fish, with 48 images in each group. Decision Tree, K-nearest Neighbor, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, and Deep Learning models were applied to predict the average weight of the fish in images. The results showed that using the original images had better average results of accuracy, precision, and recall than using the segmented images, and there was a statistical difference (P < 0.05). The average accuracy, precision, and recall for the original images were 80.97±3.35, 81.23±3.41, and 82.17±5.26 percent, respectively.  While the results of the segmented images were 59.85±3.45, 61.03±4.49, and 59.58±3.45 percent, respectively. In the case of the model used, the deep learning model was found to provide the highest accuracy average because it is a highly effective model to deal with complex data sets. The results of this study showed that the original images could be used for red tilapia weight estimation with high accuracy and faster processing than the segmented images. Keywords:  weight estimation; machine learning; image classification; red tilapia


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