Efficacy of Antagonistic Yeasts on Biological Control of Gray Mold Rot of Post-Harvest Grape Caused by Botrytis cinerea


  • Anuthep Pasura ภาควิชาจุลชีววิทยา คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
  • Sasipha Nuttawong


Gray mold rot is a destructive disease to postharvest grape. Biological control is an alternative way to reduce the problems from using synthetic fungicides. This research aimed to study the effectiveness of antagonistic yeasts in controlling gray mold rot disease caused by Botrytis cinerea in postharvest grape. Twenty isolates of yeast were isolated from peel of grave cv. Cardinal. Among them, yeast isolate B-603 had significantly highest inhibitory effect 64.9±3.2% to B. cinerea in dual culture on PDA. Yeast isolate B-603 was tested for controlling B. cinerea in postharvest grape cv. Cardinal. It was found that isolate B-603 at 1×106, 1×107 and 1×108 cells/ml could completely control (100%) the gray mold disease compared to the control. For the numbers of antagonistic yeast and pathogen on the surface of grape berries, yeast isolate B-603 was increased their populations when it was applied at 1×106 and 1×107 cells/ml. However, the numbers of antagonistic yeast were decreased when using the concentration at 1×108 cells/ml. In addition, B. cinerea was not found on grape berries applying with all concentrations of antagonistic yeast isolate B-603. Keywords: gray mold disease, antagonistic yeast, Botrytis cinerea, grape 


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