Protein-Protein Interaction Networks of Jasmonic Acid Synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana and Gene Ontology Clustering


  • Issada Charleekrua
  • Pitak Sootanan Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Burapha University, 169 Long-Hard Bangsaen Road, Saen Sook Sub-district, Mueang District, Chonburi 20131


Protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks can be reconstructed from public database and open-source bioinformatics tools. The aim of this work is to establish an PPI networks of homologous protein of jasmonic acid synthesis pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana from an existing co-expression network of van Verk et al. (2011) and compared them. We found that the extended PPI networks, comprising genetic and physical interactions, were different to the initial co-expression network, where the genes were linked by the expression patterns. However, the results of both biological interpretation on gene ontology are not different. Therefore, PPI network construction can not be applied to the case of jasmonic acid synthesis pathway. Gene ontology clustering was found to better contribute for biological interpretation. If the tools for gene ontology clustering and its database are developed in accordance with the purpose of the use, it will make biological interpretation more accurate and meet the demand.  Keywords :  protein-protein interaction networks, jasmonic acid synthesis, Arabidopsis thaliana,      gene ontology clustering

Author Biography

Pitak Sootanan, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Burapha University, 169 Long-Hard Bangsaen Road, Saen Sook Sub-district, Mueang District, Chonburi 20131



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