The Interaction between Galaxies and the Inter-Galactic Medium at redshift 3 in GIMIC Simulations


  • Pimpunyawat Tummuangpak Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University


We use GIMIC (Galaxies Intergalactic Medium Interaction Calculation) simulations to study the relationship between star-forming galaxies and the intergalactic medium at z ≈3. We aim to compare our GIMIC data at +1s  region with the observations from the VLT LBG Redshift Survey (VLRS) and the data from GIMIC at region 0s.   Comparing the results with the observations, the high mass (stellar mass ≥ 0.5 x 109h-1Msun) galaxy correlation function gives a better result than the low mass one (stellar mass ≥ 4.4 x 109 h-1Msun). Our data at +1s region (more dense) show higher clustering than those from 0s region. The simulated galaxy-gas correlation function shows similar neutral gas densities around galaxies to those seen in the observations. The Lyα transmissivity decrease with increasing separations.  We fit the Redshift-space distortion model to the results, the peculiar velocities in the simulation overpredict the difference between the real-space and redshift-space galaxy correlation functions at smaller scales.  These small measurements of the galaxy–gas velocity dispersion may be indicative of highly coherent motion when the gas and the galaxies move together from real-space to redshift-space. Keywords : high-redshift galaxies,  intergalactic medium


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